Whether you need an expert resource for a few weeks or several years, we are convinced that an innovative recruitment firm must be able to meet all its customers’ needs. That’s why we’ve developed a unique global offering based on 6 solutions to respond to your challenges in terms of duration and type of contractual relationship !

Recruitment of permanent and fixed-term contracts
Those types of recruitments are the most “traditional” way of creating THE right match between a company and a talent. Together, the two sides build a professional relationship framed by an employment contract. Creating the right match is Adsearch’s core business. The most traditional, but one in which we are constantly striving to innovate !

Specialised Interim
Specialised Interim is a flexible employment solution. It offers a fast, flexible way of bringing together talent and a company to meet a specific need. Often characterised as unstable, this form of employment can in fact be a real stepping for recruitment, an effective way of enriching and diversifying one’s professional experience or discovering a new environment. It’s a booming business at Adsearch.

Transition Management
Transition Management consist of making available to a company, at very short notice and for a limited period of time, a highly experienced profile in order to benefit from its operational skills for specific missions: management of transformation projects, urgent replacements or resolution of complex situations. Transition Managers work on a temporary or fixed-term basis.

Freelancing means providing our customers with freelancers to carry out a project over a given period.

HR Consulting
Your recruitment project is unique. At Adsearch, HR consulting means offering companies innovative and differentiating services to optimise their recruitment performance.
Our HR consulting offer is constantly enriched with new services such as assessment support, HR and communication support, assessment sessions…

Recruitment process outsourcing
With Adsearch, RPO provides professional support to any company faced with high-volume recruitment challenges, using both the methodology and the sourcing tools specific to the recruitment sector.
We provide our customers with a skilled and expert resource tailored to their needs.
Our direct management guarantees a flexible service and saves our partners time.